Travel Nurse of the Month – Kammi M!

Name: Kammi M.

City, State: St. Louis, MO

Specialty: Oncology

Month: Apr. 1

1.  How’d you get into travel nursing?

When I was in clinical as a student nurse one of my preceptors mentioned she did it for years before she settled down. Instantly, I knew I HAD TO DO IT. I’ve been a hard working gal since about 15, and was always in school pursing degrees and working hard, so I never had the chance to see the world much. When I found out I could work as a nurse and travel all the places, I set it as my ultimate nursing life goal. As soon as I hit my two years of experience I started reaching out to begin my dream!

2.  What’s the best part about traveling?

There is really something to be said about living the “unattached” life. If someone or something bothers me on assignment I just think, “oh well. I’m only here for x amount of weeks.” Then I get to let it go and smile and move on. Don’t really vibe with the city I’m in? Oh well! I won’t be here for forever so might as well find good things to enjoy while I’m here. It really puts life into perspective and what matters and what is just silly drama not worth the time. PLUS, all the places you get to go! I’m not just talking about going on assignment. In the 5 months in St. Louis I’ve been to Aruba, Nashville (twice), Wisconsin for a country music festival, and Indianapolis just because I can! Being able to afford and have the time to do all these things for fun is just the best feeling ever.

Looking for your next travel assignment?  Search our gigs here.

3.  You meet a first time travel nurse in the St. Louis area, which restaurant is a must for them to try?

I have two that I just about died on because of how good they were! Sauce on the Side: think of anything you could ever want in a calzone with extra yummy sauces to go with (hi, they have a CHICKEN BACON MAC N CHEESE CALZONE!!!). Global Quesadilla: about 27 different types of quesadillas sent directly from heaven above! AMAZING!


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4. What’s the best part about the St. Louis area?

Honestly….all the wineries! I know sounds crazy but a) they are so cheap(hi $5 wine tastings and you get to keep the glass) and outside the city is actually quite beautiful! Augusta was my favorite-a gorgeous 40 minute drive out of the city in these beautiful hills all green and lush. GORGEOUS!

5.  Any advice for other travelers?

JUST DO IT. So often I feel like we get caught up in the paycheck or the this or the that. While I get that we all have bills to pay, realistically we do ok as travelers. Just go. Don’t overthink. Make friends. Take adventures. Be spontaneous. And don’t be afraid to do it alone. I’ve met some great people out on my own and they tend to be even more friendly because you’re by yourself!

You may also like:  Check out our previous Traveler of the Month winners!

6.  How do you compare Axis to others travel companies?

To be honest, Axis is my only company. I live by an “if it’s not broke why fix it” theory and Axis has been nothing but helpful, fair, and hard-working. My recruiter Taylor, has been amazing from day 1, always listens and is ALWAYS available for questions and responds right away. Everyone else in the company is equally as hard-working and wonderful to work with…I have no reason to be anywhere else 🙂

Congrats Kammi! You’ve been an amazing addition to the Axis team! 🙂

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