Save Money on Travel Nurse Housing

Are you a current travel nurse or looking to travel soon, here are some helpful tips and resources to Save Money on Travel Nurse Housing that will come in handy as you decide where your temporary home will be next.

Travel with Friends

A great way to Save Money on Travel Nurse Housing is to travel with a friend, a partner or even consider finding another traveler who is looking for a roommate. Being able to split the monthly costs can drastically cut down on the amount you’d pay per month. You can join the following communities online to see if there is anyone looking to find a temporary roommate that falls in line with your location and timeframe during your next travel gig.

Pay in Full Discounts

A pay-in-full discount is when you work together with a property owner, landlord or real estate agent to agree to a rental amount and also see if they would consider offering a discount if you pay your lease in full at the time of signing your agreement. Often, negotiating a rental rate doesn’t occur and can be a missed opportunity to save some cash.

Negotiating Rent

If you are working directly with a landlord or property owner on a home to stay in during your next travel nurse contract, we encourage you to see if they would negotiate your rental price a little lower. At this time, you can also ask about receiving a discount if you were able to pay the amount in full. Oftentimes, there can be a generous discount offered if you’re able to pay your rent upfront.

Local Listings on Social Media

There are frequented sites such as FurnishedFinder, Airbnb, VRBO and extended stay hotels, but consider doing research on rental availability through Facebook Groups and Marketplace and Instagram Accounts to see if there is anything available in the city you’ll be traveling to next. This is another way where you can work directly with the homeowner to negotiate your rental rate or even see if they would consider a discount if you can pay your lease in full.

Working with Realtors

Realtors can help streamline the rental process. They are there to help handle paperwork, negotiations and ensure that you’re getting a fair deal. Their expertise can save you time and money while avoiding any pitfalls. They can also provide valuable insights into local markets and neighborhoods, helping you make a decision.

Consider Distance

Shorter commutes mean less money spent on gas and vehicle maintenance. This can potentially add up over weeks or months, making a noticeable difference in your budget. On the other hand, if you are willing to make a longer drive to your facility, you could find cheaper housing options in a town nearby that will help you save in the long-run.

Finding affordable housing as a travel nurse and avoiding any scams is not only possible but also valuable for maximizing your earnings and ensuring a comfortable work-life balance. By following the tips and resources discussed in this blog, you can save money on travel nurse housing and make the most of your travel nursing experience.

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Mackenzie Bolte